The Slovenian pilot site is executed on several secondary transformer stations of Elektro Ljubljana (ELEK) distribution system, with their MV and LV networks distributed through the system including EL OVE owned powerplants. Transformer stations are selected based on problems with congestions and are not concentrated to area.
Central network management system, located in the city of Ljubljana (DE LJUBALNA MESTO) will sit on top of it. Included network area is predominantly karst ground, which makes construction of the underground cable lines much more expensive, so overhead lines are still in majority, what affects power supply quality a lot.
With high penetration of RES (PV installations in the first place) in the recent times and many external disturbances supervision and control of MV and even more of LV network is becoming a challenge.
ELEK includes in demo 20 MV/LV transformer stations, where altogether approx. 2000 grid users are connected. EL OVE will add 4 of his renewable generators in DEMO – 3 of them are PV plants and one Hydro Power Plant. ELEK also includes an innovative DSO flexibility provision platform, which aggregates DER and flexible loads. It will connect to ADMS/SCADA and metering/billing system. Operational technology (OT) will be also included, where the scope will be given to the DSO’s SCADA, meters and the RTUs.
Partners involved
Demonstration activities on Serbian Pilot Site are supported by ELEK, EL OVE and ELPROS. ELEK is acting as demo leader and gives available his assets to partners for this pilot. EL OVE is owner of several RES plants, as his main activity is power generation from renewable energy sources. In order, to be able to participate in ancillary service market, the plants and whole remote-control system will be included in the pilot and upgraded by the new functionality and safety features.
ELPROS is the IT solutions provider, which supports these processes and will implement the new tools developed in the project framework. Core of systems involved in this DEMO project are based on ELPROS technology.
Benefits from R2D2
- A more secure interface between SCADA-ADMS and billing metering system to improve LV network observability and consequently to improve system security and quality of supply.
- Enhancement in DER control and management systems to participate in flexibility procurement schemes for DSO and TSO will improve network operation security and hosting capacity.
- DSO – TSO congestion and power quality coordination for better reaction in case of network incidents will help to mobilize more ancillary service providers in distribution network.