R2D2 deploys four tools dedicated to the prevention, protection and restoration of EPES in two different independent but complementary scenarios in the energy value-chain – from regional coordination between TSOs, to privacy of LV customers. The project will build on top of strong energy coordination actions in South-East Europe (SEE), following EU legislation and in alignment with the recent activities promoted by ENTSO-E about cyber-security in transmission systems.
R2D2 will deliver a palette of complementary solutions synthesised into four Products:
C3PO - Multi-risk assessment framework for power system
- Goal: contributing to a systematic, disciplined, and repeatable approach for evaluating an energy system security strategy.
- Beneficiaries: System Operators.
PRECOG - Prevention Systems For Energy Infrastructures Security
- Goal: TTo provide a cybersecurity framework to Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT).
- Beneficiaries: System Operators, IT consultants, electric industries and manufacturers.
IRIS - Resilience suite for TSO & DSO
- Goal: intervenes when coordination between system operators is needed for security reasons.
- Beneficiaries: System Operators and Regional Security and Coordination Centres.
EMMA - Enhanced Assets Maintenance And Management Toolkit
- Goal: To contribute to the reliability of the physical assets and to expedite a faster grid recovery.
- Beneficiaries: System operators, contractors, electric industries, and manufacturers.