One year of R²D²
The R2D2 Project completed its first year of life during which the technical and scientific foundations were laid for the development of its four products. In these first twelve months, several activities have advanced the development of the project, in the field of the resiliency, reliability, cyber-, physical and operational security. The use cases, requirements and architecture have been defined, the software design and functional descriptions of the four products have been completed, and the development phase of the four products has finally begun. The project will be validated in four pilot sites (including TSOs and DSOs), which have completed a monitoring and survey of the available IT and OT infrastructure, and of the applicable regulation and legislation relating to the (cyber) resiliency of electrical systems. Finally, in this first year, R2D2 has been active in confirming its presence in the various forums and initiatives at European level to communicate and disseminate its objectives, and the innovations proposed by the project.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101075714.